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feelings”) and counts over 6,830 views. It was opened on January 9, 2012, and it
was closed by the moderator with the nickname of “Pannocchia” on February 23,
2012. The title chosen by Calcolatore83 for this thread is Dopo 10 anni torna l'ex
(Parte 2) (i.e., “After 10 years the ex comes back (Part 2)”): after an initial, first
outburst presented in a previous thread, the user updates the forum members about
his personal life events—a girl he had been in a relationship with 10 years before
has come back to his life. This fact represents for him a cause of curiosity and
attraction but also a potential interference to his current relationship. Due to this last
aspect, the user appears into a state of confusion and, at times, sense of guilt. He
self-discloses several times and often seeks for the forum members' understanding
and empathy.
Probably encouraged by the partial interest and support he had obtained in
the previous discussion, Calcolatore83 opens a new thread to inform about the
latest developments of his personal long-standing problem, but this time he mainly
receives annoyed, angry, incredulous, sarcastic, and noncooperative replies, very
few expressions of empathy and even some insults by the interacting users, visibly
irritated by his continuous mood swings and indecisions.
The analysis was divided into the following sections:
A section based on thematic macro-levels, which is useful to present the main
stages of the polylogue.
A section based on analytical micro-levels: an extract of the discussion was
selected, and its main linguistic and emotive means have been identified.
A section of comparative analysis where the detected emotive devices and the
disaffiliative replies were matched.
Macroanalysis and Plot of the Interaction
The conflict talk is organized as follows:
Phase 1 : opening (lines 1a-3b). Calcolatore83 opens the thread after a brief
introduction in which he refers to his previous discussion about the same subject.
He also invites the users to avoid “unnecessary offences.”
Phase 2 : Continuo a ripetermi che dovrei troncare, ma ::: (i.e., “I keep on telling
myself I should break up, but ::: ” lines 4a-7c). Calcolatore83 reinforces his
emotive stance after receiving the first cold answers from the board's members. 6
After some premises aimed at getting him empathetic listening, he tells another
part of his story, and he explains the emotional involvement this caused him.
There are different reactions to this post: an affiliative one by Caracas (who
contributes in creating a cooperative behavior although the user doesn't appear to
be set in Calcolatore83's emotive stance) and a non-affiliative reply by Opunzia,
6 This is a typical behavior in trouble talk, see, for example, Peräkylä and Sorjonen ( 2012 ).
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