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complexity of data. To prevent users from remembering labels,
experiments used generic labels which contain characters and numbers.
Dots between characters and numbers distinguish the levels. For example,
N.0 represents the name of a node in level 0, N0.0 is contained on the next
level down of N0 , and N0.0.0 is located on the second level down of N0 .
Fig. 5.13. Task 1 with one focus illustration 1: N.0.1 contained on level 1 is
highlighted as one focus with the Angular Treemaps algorithm in vertical-
horizontal Treemaps.
We introduced the subjects to hierarchical data structures and current
visualization methods, particularly treemaps, and explained that we were
measuring how people perceive rectangular treemaps and treemaps with
various shapes. The subjects were then presented with two methods in the
application, traditional rectangular treemaps and angular treemaps. They
were asked to explore each method and find out the difference between
them. We also used test data to explain the application features and
controls. Subjects were asked to try three different tasks: task 1) locating a
particular node with given label name on level 1; task 2) locating a
particular node with given label name on level 2 of a hierarchical dataset;
and task 3) identifying two identical nodes with given label names in level
1 and level 2.
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