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Case study
In most situations, overloaded information hidden in a complex data
set visualized by traditional treemaps could exceed human cognitive
processing capabilities. The Angular Treemap approach offers flexibility
in generating different layouts when needed, for emphasizing point of
interests in a hierarchy. Angular Treemaps can not only be applied to
emphasize difference but also to highlight similarity. In the case in Fig.
5.11, two rotated folders attract our attention. We realized that two folders
have similar layouts and the same coloured file types. We opened the
dataset following the directory indicated by Angular Treemaps. We found
that they were almost duplicates with slight differences. In this example, a
similar structure, or even the same structure of files contained in two
rectangles with different aspect ratios are easily neglected. Angular
Treemaps successfully prevented the oversight.
Fig. 5.11. An output from Angular Treemaps application of file systems, with two
focused folders.
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