Digital Signal Processing Reference
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mrs_wttrans, m, w,nbrscale=5
; Display and write the figures to the disk
tvs, m, tit='Mars topographic map', png='fig_mars.png'
tvs, w.coef[*,0], tit='Mars topographic map: scale 1', $
tvs, w.coef[*,1], tit='Mars topographic map: scale 2', $
tvs, w.coef[*,2], tit='Mars topographic map: scale 3', $
tvs, w.coef[*,3], tit='Mars topographic map: scale 4', $
tvs, w.coef[*,4], tit='Mars topographic map: scale 5', $
10.9.3 Pyramidal Wavelet Transform on the Sphere
The code to generate the pyramidal wavelet transform of the Mars image of
Fig. 10.11 is as follows:
; read the data
e = mrs_read('earth_healpix_128.fits')
; compute the pyramidal wavelet transform with 5 scales
mrs_pwttrans, e, we, nbrscale=5
; Display and write the figures to the disk
mrs_wttv, we, write='fig_earth' Denoising
In the denoising experiment of Fig. 10.16 and Fig. 10.17, we have added Gaussian
noise to the astronomical simulated synchrotron emission map. The code to gener-
ate the figures is as follows:
; read the image
s = rims('sync_res128.fits')
; add Gaussian noise
n = randomn(seed, N_ELEMENTS(s))
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