Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Select the classes folder and click the Choose button. Now the com.efg.framework
package will be available for use when we begin to create our game.
Creating the game project in the Flash Develop
Here are the steps for creating the project in Flash Develop:
Create a folder inside the /source/projects/tunnelpanic/ folder called /flexSDK (if
you have not already done so).
Start Flash Develop and create a new project; select Flex 3 Project, and give it the name
tunnelpanic. The location should be the /source/projects/tunnelpanic/flexSDK folder,
and the package should be .
Do not have Flash Develop create a project folder automatically. Make sure the Create
Folder For Project is unchecked . Click the OK button to create the project.
Now, we need to add the class path to the framework to the project. Go to the Project
Properties Classpaths menu item.
Click the Add Class Path button. Find the /source folder we created earlier, and select
the classes subfolder.
Click the OK button and then the Apply button.
6. Next, change the size of the output and frame rate. Go to the Project Properties
Classpaths menu item again, and set the frame rate to 30, the width to 600, and the
height to 400.
You now have the basic structure to start creating projects inside the framework. We are now
going to discuss a few topics concerning the structure of the framework classes and then move
into building the reusable framework code.
For Flex Builder, Flash Builder, or another IDE, please refer to the documentation provided for
that product to create a new project and set the default compile class.
In a Flash Develop / Flash IDE workflow, a common method of Flash development is to use the
Flash IDE for assets and organization and Flash Develop for code editing. If this is your workflow
of choice, you will want to follow the Flash IDE folder and package structure rather than the Flex
SDK folder structure.
This is the folder structure for the Flash IDE:
and for the Flex SDK (using Flash Develop):
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