Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The render function simply locks our canvas, loops through all of the game objects, and blits
them to the canvasBitmapData . The final task it completes is to make sure the scrollRect of the
canvasBitmap is positioned in the right location to simulate scrolling.
Adding auxiliary functions
Many of the remaining auxiliary functions are very similar to ones you have seen in other games.
As usual, we will describe the major differences and new functions.
private function updateScoreBoard():void {
customScoreBoardEventScore.value = score.toString();
customScoreBoardEventShield.value =shield.toString()
customScoreBoardEventParticlePool.value = String(particleManager.particlePool.length);
customScoreBoardEventParticleActive.value = String(particleManager.particles.length);
customScoreBoardEventProjectilePool.value = String(projectileManager.
customScoreBoardEventProjectileActive.value = String(projectileManager.
The ScoreBoard is updated using our new set of global custom Events .
private function addToScore(val:Number):void {
score += val;
The addToScore function simply accepts in a value to add to the current score .
private function circleCheck(x1:Number, x2:Number, y1:Number, y2:Number,
radius1:Number, radius2:Number):Boolean {
var dx:Number = x2 - x1;
var dy:Number = y2 - y1;
var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
return dist < radius1 + radius2
The circleCheck function takes in the location of two objects and the radius of each. It returns
true if they intersect, signaling a collision.
private function createExplode(xval:Number,yval:Number,parts:int):void {
for (var explodeCtr:int=0;explodeCtr<parts;explodeCtr++) {
particleManager.particlePoolCount = particleManager.particlePool.length-1;
if (particleManager.particlePoolCount > 0) {
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