Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The createRotationBlitArray and createFadeOutBlitArray methods you have just seen will be
used to create the objects in our games that will store their look and feel in arrays of BitmapData
Next, we will take a look at the base class for all of our game objects. The base class will be
called BasicBlitArrayObject . The BlitArrayAsset class will used create the look of these
BasicBlitArrayObjects inside the " Manager" classes that we will discuss later in this section.
Designing the BasicBlitArrayObject class
Instead of a tile sheet for the game in this chapter, we will be drawing our graphics in code and
using an Array of BitmapData instances to simulate animation. BasicBlitArrayObject is a base
class for objects that are animated as an array of BitmapData objects. It contains four public
functions and an assortment of public properties that are necessary to move the object on the
screen and animate its appearance with an array of BitmapData objects. This class will be added
to the framework package.
The package location is com.efg.famework .
These are the public attributes:
public var x:Number : The x location (top-left corner) of the object for blitting to the
public var y:Number : The y location (top-left corner) of the object for blitting to the
public var nextX:Number : Updated in the update cycle of the game and applied to x in
the render
public var nextY:Number : Updated in the update cycle of the game and applied to y in
the render
public var dx:Number : The change in x to apply to nextX in the update cycle
public var dy:Number : The change in y to apply to nextY in the update cycle
public var frame:int : The current index of the animationList array
public var bitmapData : A local reference to the BitmapData represented by
public var animationList:Array : The local Array of BitmapData references to loop
through for animation
public var point:Point : The global Point reference for the copyPixels operation
public var speed:Number : The value to add to dx and dy on each update
public var xMax:int : The maximum x blit location for the object
public var yMax:int : The maximum y blit location for the object
public var xMin:int : The minimum x blit location for the object
public var yMin:int : The minimum y blit location for the object
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