Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
and y coordinates of the top-left corner of the Rectangle that represents the scrollRect for the
Bitmap . In Chapter 10, we used a copyPixels offset to scroll the viewable window about the world
canvas. We noticed a 2 to 3 frames per second increase in speed using the scrollRect method
over the copyPixels method when testing it with Blaster Mines.
This method also greatly simplifies and reduces the number of operations we have to go through
to scroll our screen. In Blaster Mines, the viewable screen is 400
400 while the entire world is
800. We are not using tiles as in Drive She Said, so we don't need a buffer with extra tiles
to ensure smooth scrolling. All we really need to do is this:
Update the player's nextX and nextY values based on the position of the mouse.
800 canvasBitmapData world at its current position.
Its x and y coordinates are updated to be the same as its nextX and nextY coordinates
The player is rendered to the 800
The top-left corner of the canvasBitmap (the display object holder of our
canvasBitmapData blit canvas) is set to be player.x-200, player.y-200 . The size is
always set to 400
400. This sets our player in the middle of the screen.
4. When the player moves, we simply change the x and y coordinates of the upper corner
of this scrollRect Rectangle . This will simulate scrolling over the entire world:
if (playerStarted) {
canvasRect.x = player.x - 200;
canvasRect.y = player.y - 200;
if (canvasRect.x < 0) canvasRect.x = 0;
if (canvasRect.y < 0) canvasRect.y = 0;
if (canvasRect.x > 399) canvasRect.x = 399;
if (canvasRect.y > 399) canvasRect.y = 399;
canvasBitmap.scrollRect = canvasRect;
To ensure that the canvasBitmap.scrollRect does not go outside the boundaries of our world
canvasBitmapDdata, we make sure to keep the upper left-hand corner between 0 and 399 for
both the x and y directions.
Notice that we update a Rectangle instance called canvasRect rather than the
canvasBitmap.scrollRect directly. The properties of the scrollRect cannot be changed directly.
You must change the properties of a second Rectangle instance and then assign the
canvasBitmap.scrollrect to equal that canavsRect (the last line of the code).
This simple scrolling technique is very powerful and, as we said, could save 2 to 3 frames per
second over using the camera buffer method from Chapter 10.
Optimizing BitmapData reuse for the radar screen
The Blaster Mines game contains an entire miniature version of the game world to the right of the
gameplay screen. This was actually very simple to create using a full-screen blitting technique.
First, let's discuss a traditional Flash method of scrolling the screen and creating an associated
radar style screen. If we had chosen to use a Sprite canvas rather than a blit canvas, we would
have a Sprite holder for our game screen with hundreds of other individual Sprites (or Bitmap
objects) attached to its display list.
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