Game Development Reference
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Loop through the rows and columns and copy them to the buffer.
4. Paint the buffer to the canvas.
If the player.move variable (which is set to false in checkCollisions if the player hits a wall) is
true , we update the camera.x and camera.y to the nextX and nextY values for the camera.
Next, we find the tileCol and tileRow variables. These represent the row and column to start
copying from the world array to the camera.bufferBitmapData .
Now, we loop through 13 rows and 13 columns of tiles and paint them to the buffer. The 13 rows
start at tileRow and run through tileCol plus 12. The 13 columns start at tileCol and run
through tileCol plus 12. Notice the check for a rowCtr or colCtr that is greater than 50
( worldRows or worldCols ). We do this because when we near the edge of the screen and only
have 12 rows or columns left in the world, we can't build a buffer with 13 columns or rows in the
direction that is near the edge. In this instance, we break from the associated loop.
Next, we find the point that represents the location on the screen to paint the tile and the
rectangle that represents the location on the tile sheet to copy from. Finally, we paint the tile with
a copyPixels call to the camera.bufferBitmapData .
Once the bufferBitmapData is complete, we set the camer.bufferRect rectangle to start on the
correct pixel in the first tile. The x value to start at is the remainder of camera.x / mapTileWidth
and y is the remainder of camera.y / mapTileHeight . The width and height of the buffer have
already been set at 384
384 and need not change. Finally, we lock our canvasBitmapData and
384 bufferBitmapData to the canvasBitmapData starting at 0,0 .
copy the entire 384
The drawPlayer function
The drawPlayer function is the core of the player render functionality. It takes care of selecting
and painting the correct frame of animation from the tile sheet to display for the player and also
plays the car sound based on its speed.
1. If the player is not stopped, we should animate the player (move the wheels by
changing the frame of animation for the car from the time sheet).
2. If it is OK to animate the player, update the player animation delay based on the
inverse of its velocity (the greater the velocity the lower the delay between frames).
3. Update the player's current tile from the tileSheet .
4. Render the player's current tile to the player.bitmapData .
5. Set the player's new x and y coordinates. We also update the player.worldX and
player.worldY values.
6. Play the car sound faster or slower based on the player's new velocity (speed.
In the checkCollisions function, we will set the player.move to be true or false based on the
result (or lack thereof) a collision with a wall tile. If the player is able to move, we update the
player attributes.
The animationDelay is the number of frames between changes to the player's tile from the tile
sheet. The three car tiles when played forward (or backward) simulate the car's relative speed.
Since the velocity and the number of frames are both linear, we can use the inverse of the
velocity to calculate the delay.
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