Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
heartsNeeded = 0;
heartsCollected = 0;
countDownTimer.seconds = levelTimerStartSeconds;
countDownTimer.min = 0;
goalReached = false;
dispatchEvent(new CustomEventLevelScreenUpdate(CustomEventLevelScreenUpdate.
UPDATE_TEXT, String(level)));
dispatchEvent(new CustomEventHeartsNeeded(CustomEventHeartsNeeded.
HEARTS_NEEDED, String(heartsNeeded)));
A detailed description of the main points of this function follows. The stage.focus = this; code
ensures that the game will have keyboard focus and accept events without the user having to
click the stage.
First, we check for the level rollover. If the previous level was the final level for the
game, we reset to the first level.
We set our variables for collecting the hearts— heartsTotal , heartsCollected , and
heartsNeeded —back to 0 . heartsTotal represents a count of all the hearts in the level.
heartsNeeded is heartsTotal multiplied by the levelPrecentNeeded variable.
heartsCollected will count up the hearts the player collects on the level.
Next, we call the setupWorld function that will read in and format the tile data. We will
cover this one next.
We reset the countDownTimer by setting the start seconds to levelTimerStartSeconds ;
the minimum for the counter is 0.
We set goalReached to be false . This will be set to true when heartsCollected is
greater than or equal to heartsNeeded and the goal sprite has been reached.
We dispatch a custom event to reset the hearts needed on the scoreboard.
We call the restart player function.
The setUpWorld function
The setupWorld function that follows is a combination of the readBackGroundData and the
readSpriteData functions from the No Tanks! game in Chapters 6 and 7. It reads in the level and
parses it to create the current level.
private function setupWorld():void {
world = [];
var tileNum:int;
var numberToPush:int;
levelData = levels[level];
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