Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
keyListenersInit = true;
countDownTimer.addEventListener(BasicFrameTimer.TIME_IS_UP, timesUpListener,
false, 0, true);
Here is a detailed description of the main points of this function:
First, we set the internal state machine to SYSTEM_STATE_GAMEPLAY with a call to the
switchSystemState function.
Next, we call the initTileSheetData function, which we will cover in the next section.
We initialize our player CarBlitSprite instance by passing in a reference to the
tileSheet ; the playerFrameList that will be set in the initTileSheetData function and
the start frame from the car animation loop.
After that, we add the player to the display list and reset the score , level , and
gameOver variables to their default new games values.
We dispatch three custom event instances to reset our ScoreBoard fields to their
default new games values.
We add the key listeners to the game only before the first game. Because our Game
instance's constructor is called in Main before the stage is ready, we cannot initialize
these in the init function. We do it here because we are certain that the stage is
initialized, but we only need to do it for the first game.
We add a listener to the DriveSheSaid class to listen for the TIME_IS_UP event in the
CountDownTimer class instance.
The initTileSheetData function
This is the complete code listing for the initTileSheetData function:
private function initTileSheetData():void {
playerFrameList = [];
tileSheetData = [];
var numberToPush:int = 99;
var tileXML:XML = TilesheetDataXML.XMLData;
var numTiles:int = tileXML.tile.length();
for (var tileNum:int = 0; tileNum < numTiles; tileNum++) {
if (String(tileXML.tile[tileNum].@type) == "walkable") {
numberToPush = TILE_MOVE;
}else if (String(tileXML.tile[tileNum].@type) == "nonwalkable") {
numberToPush = TILE_WALL;
}else if (tileXML.tile[tileNum].@type == "sprite") {
switch(String(tileXML.tile[tileNum].@name)) {
case "player":
numberToPush = SPRITE_PLAYER;
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