Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
as a parameter is the value used to decrement the alpha value of the Block when render is called
by Game .
public function startFade(fadeValue:Number):void {
this.fadeValue = fadeValue;
This update function is much like the update functions we have already written in this topic. It
looks to see if the Block 's isFalling variable equals true , and if so, it updates nextYLocation to
the current y position plus speed . The fading of the Block is not affected by render .
public function update():void {
if (isFalling) {
nextYLocation = y + speed;
The render function is only slightly more complicated than update . If the Block is falling, update
sets y to nextYLocation . If fallEndY is reached, the function makes sure the Block ends in the
correct location by setting it exactly to the value in fallEndY . We do this because the last time the
block moved, there is a good chance that that it overshot fallEndY , so we simply move it to
where it should land. The isFalling property is set to false , so ColorDrop can test to see if all
Block objects have stopped falling.
If the block is fading , we update the alpha value of the Block by subtracting the fadeValue . If the
alpha value is reached (or goes negative), we set it to 0 and set isFading to false , so ColorDrop
can test to see if all the fading Blocks are finished.
public function render():void {
if (isFalling) {
y = nextYLocation;
if (y >= fallEndY) {
y = fallEndY;
isFalling = false;
if (isFading) {
alpha -= fadeValue;
if (alpha <= 0) {
alpha = 0;
isFading = false;
The onMouseDownListener function is called when the player clicks on the Block with the mouse.
This function dispatches a custom event that we will create in the next section of this chapter. The
CustomEvent sends a reference to itself as the second parameter. ColorDrop will listen for this
event, so it can start processing the Block objects to see which ones it should remove from the
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