Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-7. Iteration 6 game screen with enemy tanks moving toward the player
Integrating into the framework
Before we add the final touches to the game, such as projectiles firing from the player and enemy
tanks, explosions, levels, ammunition, and other pick ups, it is time to add the game into the
framework. To do so, we will be creating a file in the game-specific package structure.
We will also be modifying the Library class the TileSheetDataXML class we created in Chapter 6.
Integrating onto the framework class
As usual, we'll start by telling you the file paths for the new class for the Flash IDE:
and for the Flex SDK (using Flash Develop):
We are not going to discuss this class in full, as we have done so in earlier chapters. We will
highlight the major changes though, as we have added some new, unique code to handle playing
sounds on the title screen.
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