Game Development Reference
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Adding the checkCenterTile function
The checkCenterTile function simply takes the passed in TileByTileBlitSprite instance and
evaluates whether or not it is in the center of the current tile. If it is, it sends back true ; if not, it
sends back false .
private function checkCenterTile( object:TileByTileBlitSprite):Boolean {
var xCenter:int = (object.currCol * tileWidth) + (.5 * tileWidth);
var yCenter:int= (object.currRow * tileHeight) + (.5 * tileHeight);
if (object.x == xCenter && object.y == yCenter) {
//trace("in center tile");
return true;
}else {
//trace("not in center tile");
return false;
The x and y values for a tile represent the top left-hand corner of the tile. To find the current x and
y values, we multiply the currCol by the tileWidth and the currRow by the tileHeight . Then, we
add half the tile width to the x value and half the tileheight to the y value. This calculates the
xCenter and yCenter values, which are then checked against the x and y values for our object.
The game objects are offset from the center of the tiles because they are centered around the
midpoint of the Sprite holder. If they were not, we would have to add half the tileWidth and
tileHeight to the x and y values of the object also.
Adding the switchMovement function
The switchMovement function takes in the direction variable as a parameter to represent the
direction that object is going to move in. It also takes in a TileByTileBlitSprite reference as the
object parameter variable. Based on the passed-in direction, the function simply sets properties
of the object to match the new direction. Here is the code for the functions:
private function switchMovement(direction:int, object:TileByTileBlitSprite):void{
switch(direction) {
case MOVE_UP:
//trace("move up");
object.rotation = 0;
object.dx = 0;
object.dy = -1;
object.currentDirection = MOVE_UP;
object.animationLoop = true;
//trace("move down");
object.rotation = 180;
object.dx = 0;
object.dy = 1;
object.currentDirection = MOVE_DOWN;
object.animationLoop = true;
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