Game Development Reference
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Now we will need a couple variables to hold the amount to move Shot on the (x, y) plane on each
frame. We will calculate and hold those variables in xunits and yunits .
private var xunits:Number;
private var yunits:Number;
Because we are going to calculate the next place to move our sprites before we actually move
them, we need a place to store the next positions to move the Shot . We hold these in another
Point class named nextLocation .
private var nextLocation:Point;
Now, we need to set a speed for the Shot (we default to 15 pixels per frame) and create a variable
that holds the number of moves the Shot will make before it is finished. We also need a variable
we can check from Game to see if the Shot has finished moving. We do that with the finished
private var speed:int = 15;
private var moves:int = 0;
public var finished:Boolean;
Finally, if we are building this game in Flex, we will need to embed the ShotGif graphic. You will
need to uncomment this code to make it work:
//**Flex Framework Only
[Embed(source = "assets/flakassets.swf", symbol="ShotGif")]
private var ShotGif:Class;
The constructor for this function is quite simple. It takes two points (startX, startY) and (endX,
endY) and stores them in our instance variables: startLocation and endLocation . We also
initialize the nextLocation instance of Point so we can use it later. Then we call init() where the
most interesting stuff will happen.
public function Shot (startX:Number, startY:Number, endX:Number, endY:Number)
startLocation = new Point(startX,startY);
endLocation = new Point(endX,endY);
nextLocation = new Point(0,0);
We just defined the very basics of the Shot class. Now, we will fill it out will all the necessary
functions. The good news is that even though we have multiple moving objects in Flak Cannon,
most of the objects use similar code, so some of this code will need to be described once.
The init() function is where we will calculate xunits and yunits for the Shot . The first thing we
are going to do is to calculate the distance between the start point startLocation (when the Shot
starts), and the end point endLocation , which is the middle of the crosshairs.
public function init():void
x = startLocation.x;
y = startLocation.y;
var xd:Number = endLocation.x - x;
var yd:Number = endLocation.y - y;
var distance:Number = Math.sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd);
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