Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Creating the Circle class in the package structure
As with all of and the class files, the class file will reside in the
game specific package structure.
This is the Flash IDE folder structure:
And this is the structure for the Flex SDK (using Flash Develop):
Importing the classes and declaring variables for
The properties needed for a new Circle are a type variable to hold the CIRCLE_GOOD or
CIRCLE_BAD constant, a clicked variable that is set to false , a fadingOut variable set to false ,
and a nextScale property that will be updated in the Game.update function.
The Boolean clicked used in the collision detection portion of the game logic. If a Circle is clicked,
this property is set to true and evaluated in a loop inside the game's checkCollisions function.
// Import necessary classes from the flash libraries
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
* ...
* @author Jeff Fulton
public class Circle extends Sprite {
//Constsants used to define circle type
public static const CIRCLE_GOOD:int = 0;
public static const CIRCLE_BAD:int = 1;
public var type:int;
public var clicked:Boolean=false;
public var fadingOut:Boolean = false;
public var nextScale:Number;
The nextScale variable is the first “update” variable you have seen. We could simply set the scale
of the circles in the update function by applying the new scale value to the circle.scaleX and
scaleY attributes directly. We have added a step to this process by actually updating a nextScale
variable in the update portion of the game and then applying the nextScale to the circle.scaleX
and circle.scaleY in the render portion of the game. Although there is no real need for this
separation in Super Click, it is a good habit to get started with. As we progress through the games
in this topic, you will see this type of separation more often, and in some games, separate update
and render functions will be applied to improve game performance. That's getting a little ahead of
ourselves though. For now, it makes for good code organization and functions that don't attempt
to do too many tasks.
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