Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Defining the checkForEndOfGame function
The checkforEndOfGame function checks for gameOver==true and sends basic custom event to
Main called GAME_OVER . This function is run in each frame tick from the runGame method of the Game
class. The runGame function is called from the SYSYEM_STATE_GAMEPLAY state of .
private function checkforEndGame():void {
if (gameOver) {
dispatchEvent(new Event(GAME_OVER));
The checkForEndOfGame function simply checks to see if the gameOver variable has been set to
true . If it has been set, the cleanup function is called and dispatches a simple custom Event
GAME_OVER . Main catches this event and then changes the state to SYSYEM_STATE_GAMEOVER . The
gameOver variable will be set to false until the player clicks a red circle or until the
checkForEndOfLevel function finds that a level has been completed but the percent variable is
less that the percentNeeded . See the next section for details on the checkForEndOfLevel function.
Defining the checkforEndLevel function
The checkforEndLevel function handles the level end conditions:
It checks to see if there are no more circles on the screen ( circles.length == 0 ) and
if the number of circles created ( numCreated ) equals the number for the level.
If both are true , it checks to make sure the user clicked enough to move to next level.
3. Based on that evaluation, it either sets gameOver to true or dispatches the simple
custom event NEW_LEVEL .
Here is the complete code for the checkForEndOfLevel function.
private function checkforEndLevel():void {
if (circles.length == 0 && numCreated == numCircles &&
scoreTexts.length == 0) {
if (percent >= percentNeeded) {
dispatchEvent(new Event(NEW_LEVEL));
}else {
gameOver = true;
If the level is over but the player didn't click enough blue circles to make it to the next level, the
gameOver variable is set to true . If the player did click enough blue circles, a simple custom event
( NEW_LEVEL ) is dispatched. Main listens for this event and changes state to the
Defining the cleanUp function
The cleanUp function loops through all of the Circle instances in the circles array. It removes
and disposes of all of them. It is called from the checkforEndGame function if the gameOver criteria
have been reached. It also removes and cleans up the scoreTexts array in the same manner.
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