Game Development Reference
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private function addToScore(scoreAdd:Number):void {
score += scoreAdd;
dispatchEvent(new CustomEventScoreBoardUpdate
percent = 100 * (clicked / numCircles);
dispatchEvent(new CustomEventScoreBoardUpdate
dispatchEvent(new CustomEventScoreBoardUpdate
Main.SCORE_BOARD_CLICKED,String(clicked + "/" +numCircles)));
Once a blue circle has been clicked, this function is called into action. It actually does quite a lot.
First, it must use the passed-in multiplier to add to the current score by casting the probably real
number returned as an integer:
score += int(maxScore * val);
Once the new score value has been calculated, it dispatches a custom
CustomEventScoreBoardUpdate.UPDATE_TEXT Event and passes the Main.SCORE_BOARD_SCORE as
the key and the value of the score variable.
Next, it calculates the new values for the clicked and percent variables and dispatches custom
CustomEventScoreBoardUpdate.UPDATE_TEXT events for each. For the clicked update, it passes in
the key of Main.SCORE_BOARD_CLICKED and the value as a ratio in a String that represents the
clicked variable divided by the number blue circles for the level. Finally, percent achieved on the
scoreBoard is updated by passing the Main.SCORE_BOARD_PERCENT_ACHIEVED key and the current
value of the percent variable as a String .
Defining the render function
The render function simply loops through Circle objects and sets scaleX and scaleY of each to
its nextScale value.
private function render():void {
var circleLength:int = circles.length-1;
for (var counter:int = circleLength; counter >= 0; counter--){
tempCircle = circles[counter];
tempCircle.scaleX = tempCircle.nextScale;
tempCircle.scaleY = tempCircle.nextScale;
The render function employs our loop iteration optimizations, which are a recalculated
circleLength variable and a tempCircle instance, and it iterates backward through the loop. Now,
we didn't necessarily need to loop backward here, because the render loop does not splice any
circle instances from the circles array, but we continued the application this for consistency. It
could very well be coded with a for:each loop.
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