Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Like the removeCircle function, we remove ScoreTextField instances with three separate
function calls. First, we simply call the ScoreTextField object's internal dispose function. We will
see this function when we discuss the ScoreTextField class. The internal dispose function should
set to null all internal objects and get rid of all event listeners.
Next, we simply remove the ScoreTextField from the SuperClick display list with the removeChild
function call. The last thing we do is to splice the ScoreTextField instance from the scoreTexts
Defining the checkCollisions function
The checkCollisions function is called every frame tick from the SuperClick class runGame
function inside the SYSTYEM_STATE_GAMEPLAY state of the Main class. It doesn't actually check real
collisions between objects or the mouse pointer colliding with a Circle instance. It does loop
through the Circle objects in circles and checks for instances that have their clicked variable
set to true .
private function checkCollisions():void {
var circleLength:int = circles.length-1;
for (var counter:int = circleLength; counter >= 0; counter--){
tempCircle = circles[counter];
if (tempCircle.clicked && !tempCircle.fadingOut) {
tempCircle.fadingOut = true;
if (tempCircle.type==Circle.CIRCLE_GOOD &&
tempCircle.alpha==1) {
var scoreAdjust:Number = 1 / tempCircle.scaleX;
var scoreAdd:int=maxScore * scoreAdjust;
tempScoreText = new ScoreTextField(String
(scoreAdd), textFormat, tempCircle.x,
tempCircle.y, 20);
}else if (tempCircle.type==Circle.CIRCLE_BAD) {
gameOver = true;
The checkCollisions function continues our loop optimizations by using the circleLength local
variable to hold the length of the circles.length-1 value. It also employs the tempCircle class
reference variable and loops through the circles array backward. The loop's job is to check the
current tempCircle instance in the iteration for a true value in its clicked variable. If the variable
is set to true , the function removes it, calculates the new score (if blue), and disposes of it. If a
red Circle was clicked, the function sets gameOver to true .
The call to the internal addToScore function will be discussed next, but the call takes a single
parameter that represents the value to multiply the maxScore variable by when adding to the
player's score . This value is calculated in a way that gives the player a higher score the smaller
the circle that is clicked. The multiplier is 1/Circle.scaleX . So, if the scaleX of the circle is .7 , the
value passed in is 1 divided .7, or about 1.4 times the maximum score. At a scale of 1 , the
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