Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
percentNeededLabel : Displays % needed
percentNeededText : Displays the percent of blue circles needed per level value
SCORE_BOARD_PERCENT_ACHIEVED : The scoreBoard name constant in for the
percent achieved display
percentAchievedLabel : Displays % achieved
percentAchievedText : Displays the value representing the percent of blue circles clicked
Describing the game play and flow
The game is split into a series of levels with ever increasing difficulty. A level will start by
randomly placing circles on to the game screen until circle.length == maxCirclesOnscreen . As
circles are created, the percentBadCircles variable will be used to determine whether to create a
good (blue) or bad (red) circle. Circles will grow at the circleGrowSpeed rate. This will increase
the scaleX and scaleY values for the Circle instance on each frame tick.
The player must click as many blue circles as possible before the circles reach circleMaxSize .
The smaller a Circle , the more points the player will receive for clicking it. If the player does not
click a Circle before it reaches circleMaxSize , it will leave the screen.
When a Circle is clicked or leaves the screen because it reached circleMaxSize , a new circle
will be created to replace it if the numCreated variable is less than the numCircles variable.
When a good Circle instance is clicked, the Circle will fade out, and a text field containing the
score the player received will be displayed close to the Circle .
Evaluating the end of a level
A game level is over when all of the circles ( numCircles ) have been displayed on the screen. The
logic will also need to make sure that there are no Circle instances in the circles array before the
level can be considered over.
If the circle array length is 0 and number of circles created so far is equal to the number of circles
required for the level, the level is complete. ( aCircle.length == 0 && numCreated ==
numCircles ).
Evaluating the end of a game
The game is over when the player clicks a red circle at any time or completes a level without
clicking enough blue circles (that is, if the percentage clicked is not greater than or equal to
percentNeeded ).
Defining the necessary events
Events are used throughout the framework to signify changes to the state of the game and to
update the scoreboard instance and the levelInScreen . We split events into two different
categories. The first are simple custom events . These are simply String constants that will be
passed to the standard dispatchEvent function call. They are not used to pass any data to the
listening function. The second type of events we will use are called complex custom events .
These make use of the customized Event classes created in Chapter 2 and have the ability to
pass data to the listening functions.
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