Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Creating our game instance
The game variable is defined in the file, but instantiated in . We will
create the Game subclass called instance in the next section.
game = new StubGame();
Setting the application back ground
The appBackGroundBitmapData variable is defined in the file but set up in by calling the setApplicationBackGround public function in the parent class,
GameFrameWork . For our stub game, we are creating a 400, 400 opaque black background.
setApplicationBackGround(400, 400, false, 0x000000);
Creating the score board
The scoreBoard variable is defined in the file and instantiated in . To
set up scoreBoard , we need to create a TextFormat for the look of the scoreBoard text
( scoreBoardTextFormat) and then create each text element we will need on the scoreBoard . We
only have a single element on the scoreBoard in this stub game. We pass in the constant,
SCORE_BOARD_CLICKS , which was defined in the variable definition section of this class file,
into the public scoreBoard.createTextElement function along with the definition of the
SideBySideScoreElement class instance for this scoreBoard element.
scoreBoard = new ScoreBoard();
scoreBoardTextFormat= new TextFormat("_sans", "11", "0xffffff",
scoreBoard.createTextElement(SCORE_BOARD_CLICKS, new
SideBySideScoreElement(25, 5, 15, "Clicks", scoreBoardTextFormat,
25, "0", scoreBoardTextFormat));
In this definition, we are setting the "Clicks" string label to reside at the 25, 5 location on the
scoreBoard . We have also set a 15 pixel buffer between the "Clicks" label text and the value that
will be displayed and have given the label a width of 25 pixels. We have set the TextFormat for
both the label and the content to the scoreBoardTextFormat we defined earlier.
Creating the title screen
All of the BasicScreen instances will be set up in a similar manner. All are defined in the file and instantiated in the init function. The first thing we do is set
up a separate TextFormat object ( screenTextFormat ) to be shared between all of the screens. We
could actually use a different TextFormat for each screen, but for simplicity, we are using one in
this example game. We also create a TextFormat for SimpleBlitButton instances that can be
added to each BasicScreen instance.
screenTextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", "16", "0xffffff", "false");
screenTextFormat.align = flash.text.TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
screenButtonFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", "12", "0x000000",
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