Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The elements needed in a call to the createTextElement function follow:
A String representing the key for the element, which is very much like the id in the
BasicScreenClass and will be used to determine what element to update
An instance of the SideBySideScoreElement class
There are eight elements needed to create an instance of the SideBySideScoreElement class. The
class creates an instance of Sprite with a field for a static label and a field for changeable
content text. The SideBySideScoreElement class will be discussed in detail in the next section. For
now, you just need to understand that it creates a visual screen element on the ScoreBoard that
shows a String label and then a String content next to the label . They are separated by a
buffer space. For instance, we need a SideBySideScoreElement instance for the score. The label
will be the word Score and the content will be the player's score.
The x location for the Sprite holding the label and the text
The y location for the Sprite holding the label and the text
The buffer space, in pixels, between the label and the text
The String of text for the label, for example Score
The TextFormat of the label
The width in pixels for the label
The initialization text for the context text, for example, 0 for a new game's beginning score
The TextFormat for the content
The createTextElement function definition
The createTextElement function stores the passed key value into the associative array and the
newly created instance of the SideBySideScoreElement as the value of the key/value pair. These
will be used in the update function that is called by Main to update score elements.
public function createTextElement(key:String,
obj:SideBySideScoreElement):void {
textElements[key] = obj;
The update function definition
The update function is a public function that allows the updating of a SideBySideScoreElement
instance on the ScoreBoard . In the framework, the Main class calls this function after receiving
events from the Game class instance.
//update() is called by Main after receiving a custom event
//from the Game class
When we get to th we will see a CustomEventSCoreBoardUpdate that fires off when the score
needs to be updated:
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