Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
This function shows how we can share a single listener for the OK button click on three different
screens (title, instructions, and game over). We switch on the id value passed from
No matter which screen we were on, the last line of the function calls the switchSystemState
function and passes in the nextSystemState variable.
The systemInstructions function definition
The systemInstructions function is used to display the instructions screen to the user. It is
associated with the STATE_SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS state. It is called a single time and then
processing is passed to the STATE_SYSYEM_WAIT_FOR_CLOSE state.
The systemInstructions function is very similar to the systemTitle function. In fact, they are
almost identical with a few minor changes. We first add the systemInstructionsScreen to the
displayList with an addChild call.
We also setup a listener for the same CustomEvent that the titleScreen used and we switch to
the STATE_SYSTEM_WAIT_FOR_CLOSE state. Again, this state does nothing but let the system wait for
the CustomEventButtonId.BUTTON_ID on an instance of the BasicScreen class. Finally, we switch
to the STATE_SYSYEM_WAIT_FOR_CLOSE on to wait for the OK button to be clicked. We also set the
nextSystemState to be evaluated and used once the OK button is clicked.
The systemGameOver function definition
The systemGameOver function displays the gameOverScreen . It is associated with the
STATE_SYSTEM_GAMEOVER state and waits for the OK button click shared with the other BasicScreen
We take a look at the systemGameover function now, because it uses the BasicScreen instance
gameOverScreen in a similar manner as the titleScreen and instructionsScreen instances. The
systemGameOver state is set in Main when the Game class instance sends out the simple custom
event called GAME_OVER . In the next section, we will see the Main class set up to listen for this
event from the Game class.
The sytemGameOver function follows the exact same format as the systemTitle and
systemInstructions functions. There is one difference though: it takes care of removing the Game
class instance, game , from the display list with a call to the removeChild function.
The systemNewGame function definition
The systemNewGame function is associated with the STATE_SYSTEM_NEW_GAME state. It is called one
time and then moves on to the STATE_SYSTEM_NEW_LEVEL state. Its purpose is to add all of the
event listeners for communication between the Game class and some other framework classes
(such as the ScoreBoard class). It also calls the game.newGame function to allow the Game instance
to do its own internal new game related processing.
When setting up a new game, we first add our Game class instance ( game ) to the display list with
the addChild function call. This will display the Sprite (or MovieClip ) on the screen. Next,
we set up some basic communication between the and the classes. We do this
by creating four event lsteners. The first two we set up are custom event class instances (classes
we will discuss in detail later in the chapter).
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