Graphics Programs Reference
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If you don't like the placement of a tree, you can choose Edit > Undo
Spraying to remove the instances you sprayed in the previous click.
12. Select the Symbol Sprayer tool ( ), and add more trees to the first symbol set. Try
clicking and releasing, instead of clicking and dragging, to add one tree instance at a
13. Choose File > Save, and leave the symbol set selected.
Editing symbols with the Symbolism tools
Besides the Symbol Sprayer tool, there is a series of Symbolism tools that allow you to edit
the size, color, rotation, and more of the instances within a symbol set. In the next steps, you
will edit the trees in the Trees symbol set using the Symbolism tools in the Tools panel.
1. With the Trees symbol set and the Symbol Sprayer tool ( ) still selected, position the
pointer over one of the tree instances. Press the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS)
key, and click to delete one of the instances in the set.
If the Symbol Sizer tool is sizing too quickly, double-click the Symbol Sizer
tool in the Tools panel and try lowering the Intensity and Density values in
the Symbolism Tools Options dialog box.
2. Select the Symbol Sizer tool ( ) from the Symbol Sprayer tool ( ) group in the
Tools panel.
3. Double-click the Symbol Sizer tool, and change the Intensity to 3 in the Symbolism
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