Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
8. Choose Select > Deselect.
9. Choose File > Save, and close all open files.
Review questions
1 . What is the difference between applying a brush to artwork using the Paintbrush tool (
) and applying a brush to artwork using one of the drawing tools?
2 . Describe how artwork in an Art brush is applied to content.
3 . Describe how to edit paths with the Paintbrush tool as you draw. How does the Keep
Selected option affect the Paintbrush tool?
4 . What must be done to a raster image in order for it to be used in certain brushes?
5 . For which brush types must you have artwork selected on the artboard before you can
create a brush?
6 . What does the Blob Brush tool ( ) allow you to create?
Review answers
1 . When painting with the Paintbrush tool ( ), if a brush is chosen in the Brushes panel
and you draw on the artboard, the brush is applied directly to the paths as you draw. To
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