Graphics Programs Reference
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choose Artistic > Artistic_Paintbrush.
3. Click the Artistic_Paintbrush panel menu icon ( ), and choose List View. Click the
brush named Brush 3 in the list to add the brush to the Brushes panel for this document.
Close the Artistic_Paintbrush panel group.
4. Select the Paintbrush tool ( ) in the Tools panel.
5. Change the Stroke color to white and the Stroke weight to 1 pt , and make sure that the
Fill color is None ( ) in the Control panel.
6. Click the Layers panel icon ( ) on the right side of the workspace to open the Layers
panel. Click the Spray/Tree layer so that the new artwork is on that layer. Click the
Layers panel icon to collapse the panel.
With the Paintbrush pointer selected, press the Caps Lock key to see a
precise cursor (X). In certain situations, this can help to paint with more
7. Position the Paintbrush pointer ( ) at the bottom, front of the ship, in the red area
(marked with an X in the figure). Drag to the left along the bottom of the red strip on the
ship, just along the water line. See the figure for how we painted it, and don't worry
about being exact. You can always choose Edit > Undo Art Stroke and repaint the path.
8. Paint a path from the same starting point to the right. Then, paint a “U” shape around
the starting point (from left to right) to cover any red showing. (See the figure—start at
the X in the figure for the “U” shape.)
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