Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Double-click the thumbnail to the left of the Background layer name, or double-click
directly to the right of the Background layer name. In the Layer Options dialog box,
choose Green from the Color menu to match the Screen layer color. Click OK.
Changing the layer color to match the main layer isn't necessary. The Layer Options
dialog box has a lot of the options you've already worked with, including naming
layers, Preview or Outline mode, locking layers, and showing and hiding layers. You
can also deselect the Print option in the Layer Options dialog box, and any content on
that layer will not print.
4. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the eye icon ( ) to the left of the
Screen layer to hide the other layers. Click the blank visibility column to the left of the
Shadow/highlight sublayer to show its content on the artboard. Make sure that the
Background layer is hidden.
5. Choose Select > All On Active Artboard.
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