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Editing type on a path options
When you create type on a path, you can set options to change the appearance of the text,
including: effects, alignment, and spacing. Next, you'll edit the type on a path options for the
text on the circle.
1. With the path type object selected with the Selection tool, choose Type > Type On A
Path > Type On A Path Options. In the Type On A Path Options dialog box, select
Preview and change the following options:
• Choose Skew from the Effect menu and then choose Rainbow .
• Align To Path: Ascender
• Spacing: -18 pt
Click OK.
To learn about the Type On A Path options, search for “ Creating type on a
path ” in Illustrator Help (Help > Illustrator Help).
2. With the Selection tool ( ), position the pointer over the line on the left end of the text
(to the left of the word “ZOO”). When you see this cursor ( ), drag down around the
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