Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Miles and Directions
Start at the trailhead at the east side of the parking area. Turn right (southwest) and pass
baseball fields.
Continue straight at an inverted T intersection, then make a hard right and left.
Reach another T intersection; take the left branch, bearing south. Pass a sidewalk on the
left and park buildings
Follow the trail as it makes a hard left in a semicircle. The interstate and city skyline are
straight ahead. The concrete-sided bayou is down a slope about 50 feet away.
Make a hard curve left and pass a large red steel abstract sculpture. The bayou is on the
right, down a slope about 40 feet. Pass the back of a park building and the swimming pool
fence. The trail bears right along the bayou. Continue straight on the main trail.
Pass a playing field on the left and the bayou on the right. Go slightly down, heading east.
The bayou is very close on the right. There is a playing field on the left.
Pass an apartment complex on the left.
Reach a Y just before Taylor Street. Take the left branch, heading north. (Option: The right
branch follows along the bayou for several miles while looping back to the trailhead.)
Cross a trail; take the left side and go up a slight hill. Bear right and pass a ball field on
the left. Continue straight along the chain-link fence, with a road on the right. Curve left
past a brightly painted Victorian-style house straight across Usener Street.
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