Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Start the trail on the left (south) side of the paved loop and head west. The loop rings the park, closely
following the park boundaries. This 27-acre park is bordered by Notre Dame Catholic Church on the
south, power lines on the west, Brays Bayou and residences on the north, and Boone Road on the east.
The entire trail is wheelchair and stroller accessible. There is no canopy cover, so wear a hat and
sunscreen. Inside the loop there's a playground, a shelter, benches, picnic tables, and a cricket field.
There's the possibility of seeing a cricket match, a game with some similarity to baseball. The bat-
ters use bats that are oblong with skinny handles. The pitcher is called the “bowler,” and runs are
scored in a totally different way than in baseball. Trying to figure out what's going on in the cricket
match can add interest to the hike.
Head straight west; Notre Dame Catholic Church is on the left and a playground on the right. The
trail has a few easy curves right and left but is basically straight. After 0.2 mile come to a Y and follow
the left (straight) branch, still heading west. There is a drinking fountain and bench on the left side of
the trail.
Continue straight (west), with a few squiggles right and left. Residences can be seen on the left. Pass
over a culvert and then make a hard right, heading north. At 0.5 mile make a hard right, heading east.
Brays Bayou is on the left, about 30 feet from the trail's edge. Residences can be seen beyond the bay-
ou. It's worth walking to the bayou to possibly see waterbirds or other animals. Be careful at the edge
of the bayou; it slopes down sharply.
Bend right and pass a DESIGNATED NATURAL AREA sign about 20 feet on the left. The trail follows along
the edge of this reforesting project for 0.25 mile, a great area for viewing birds and other wildlife.
Reach a Y junction and take the left (straight leg) branch, heading east. Pass two volleyball/badminton
courts on the right. Follow right and then straight (south) and pass a sidewalk on the left leading to the
parking lot and Boone Road. The portable toilet on the left is the only toilet facility in the park. End
the hike at the parking lot.
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