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audience is most likely confronted with 'mad scientists', the Faustian
who trespasses ethical boundaries in order to gain forbidden knowledge
and fame. Anthropology, astronomy, zoology, geology, and the humani-
ties, on the other hand, are the fields that seem to have an unchallenged
image of trust. The large majority of scientists from these fields are de-
picted as 'good' and 'benevolent'.
3.8 Scientific misconduct by discipline
The misconduct of scientists without any specification of the type of
misconduct may be seen as an aspect of the dubious or at least ambiva-
lent nature of science. If science is identified with misconduct this sug-
gests distrust. Again, certain fields are more than others associated with
questionable conduct. Chemistry is among them, together with genetics
and pathology, even above medical research, biology, and the computer
sciences. In literary studies and generally in the humanities misconduct is
comparatively rare.
3.9 Utopias and dystopias of science - objects of fictional science
Fictionalization is one of the means by which some media, above all
film, deals with the problem of representing abstract subject matters to a
larger audience whose attention is fleeting. In particular, science and
scientists are relatively abstract subjects to be represented by a medium
that is normally focused on narrative and action. The world of knowledge
has to be adapted to the rules and constraints of visual drama. This is
done by representing it in different stages of development that reach
beyond contemporary research fronts and technological achievements,
and by projecting it onto either utopian or dystopian realms. By doing so
films not only reinforce the mystique of the production of new knowl-
edge. They also participate in the process of 'embedding' new knowl-
edge in societies to become part of popular culture. In fact, scientists
themselves are engaged in this process whenever they project future
developments of their research in order to gain acceptance, especially
when that appears problematic with respect to dominant values. Their
utopian promises ( e.g. new medication, cure of illness, longevity) are
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