Chemistry Reference
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Anderson and Dr. Derek Robinson for their recollections and comments,
and to my colleagues Dr. Robert Bud and Dr. Tim Boon for their
feedback. I would also like to thank Dr. Susanne Rehn for her remarks
on the section about the Deutsches Museum. Of course, all mistakes that
remain are wholly my own.
All the non-archival sources cited here, except the private communi-
cations and the online document, are available at the Science Museum
Library. The unpublished Annual Reports of the Science Museum and
much of the published Science Museum material are kept in the semi-
rare book room. In addition to these sources, I also had access to the
chemistry curator's collection of gallery photographs and a set of labels
with floor plans for the 1977 Gallery.
Anderson, R.G.W.: 2005, private communication, 11 August.
Anderson, R.G.W.: 2006, private communication, 2 February.
Barclay, A.: 1927, Catalogue of the Collections in The Science Museum, South Kensing-
ton, with Descriptive Notes and Illustrations. Chemistry , His Majesty's Stationery
Office, London.
Board of Education: 1909, Reports for the Year 1908 on The Geological Survey, The
Geological Museum in Jermyn Street, The Science Museum at South Kensington and
the Work of The Solar Physics Committee , His Majesty's Stationery Office, London,
pp. 26 and 29.
Board of Education: 1924a, Report for the Years 1921 and 1922 on The Science Museum ,
His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, p. 15.
Board of Education: 1924b, Report for the Year 1923 on The Science Museum , His Maj-
esty's Stationery Office, London, pp. 6, 15.
Board of Education: 1926, Report for the Year 1925 on The Science Museum , His Maj-
esty's Stationery Office, London, p. 21.
Board of Education: 1931, Report of the Advisory Council of The Science Museum for the
Year 1930 , His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, p. 31.
Catalogue: 1906: Catalogue of the Science Collections for Teaching and Research in the
Victoria and Albert Museum. Part III. Chemistry , His Majesty's Stationery Office,
Deutsches Museum Guide: 1930, Deutsches Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwis-
senschaft und Technik, Munich, Brief Guide Official Edition , Deutsches Museum,
Munich, pp. 47-50.
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