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context of three-dimensional reconstruction of the human hand, an articulated model
derived from human anatomy is introduced by Lee and Kunii ( 1993 ), relying on pla-
nar kinematic chains consisting of rigid elements. The appearance of the hand in a
pair of stereo images is modelled and compared with the appearance in the ob-
served image. Heap and Hogg ( 1996 ) propose to represent the complete surface of
the hand by a deformable model. In the application scenario of three-dimensional
face reconstruction, a linear morphable model is adapted by Amberg et al. ( 2007 )to
the object appearance in a stereo image pair based on silhouettes, colour variations,
and manually defined reference points. Spacetime Stereo Vision and Scene Flow Algorithms
General Overview An extension of the classical pairwise frame-by-frame ap-
proach to stereo vision towards a spatio-temporal analysis of a sequence of image
pairs has been introduced quite recently as spacetime stereo by several researchers
(Zhang et al., 2003 ; Davis et al., 2005 ). Both studies present a framework that aims
for a unification of stereo vision with active depth from triangulation methods such
as laser scanning and coded structured light by generalising a spatial similarity mea-
sure according to ( 1.102 ) to the spatio-temporal domain. Zhang et al. ( 2003 ) sug-
gest to utilise pixel grey values changing over time to establish disparity maps of
increased accuracy. They show that assuming a disparity value d(u c ,v c ,t c ) which
is constant throughout a spatio-temporal image window centred at (u c ,v c ,t c ) can
only be assumed for a surface oriented parallel to the image plane. For surfaces
of arbitrary orientation which do not move, a linear expansion for the disparity is
introduced by Zhang et al. ( 2003 ), corresponding to
∂u (u
∂v (v
d(u c ,v c ,t c )
u c )
v c )
For moving scenes, this representation is extended according to
∂u (u
∂v (v
∂t (t
d(u c ,v c ,t c )
u c )
v c )
t c )
since the disparity may change over time as a result of a radial velocity of the
object. These expressions for the disparity are inserted into a similarity measure
defined by ( 1.102 ). Dynamic programming followed by Lucas-Kanade flow (Lu-
cas and Kanade, 1981 ) is utilised to establish point correspondences and estimate
the disparities as well as their spatial and temporal first derivatives ∂d/∂u , ∂d/∂v ,
and ∂d/∂t . A significant improvement over classical stereo analysis is achieved
by Zhang et al. ( 2003 ) when a static scene is illuminated by a temporally vari-
able illumination pattern which is not necessarily strictly controlled. In these cases,
their three-dimensional reconstruction method exhibits a similar amount of detail as
three-dimensional data acquired by a laser scanner. For images displaying objects
which are illuminated in a non-controlled manner, their spacetime stereo approach
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