Graphics Reference
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Fig. 1.18
100. The solid con-
tours have been extracted from the right image of the stereo pair, the dashed contours from the
left image . Contour points on the solid contour for which a disparity value has been determined
are marked by solid dots . Only the contours obtained with binary threshold θ 0 are shown. ( b ) Con-
tours extracted from absolute difference image. The solid (binary threshold θ 0
( a ) Contours extracted from absolute difference image with θ 0
50) and the dotted
(adaptive binary threshold derived from intensity histogram) contours have been extracted from the
right image of the stereo pair, the dashed and the dash-dotted contours in a corresponding manner
from the left image .The solid and the dashed contours are partially determined by shadow struc-
tures on the floor rather than by 'real' object contours. Contour points for which a disparity value
has been determined are marked by solid dots
(U (j)
,V (j)
1 ,...,n 2 . The extracted contours are smoothed by B-spline in-
terpolation. Subsequently, we calculate the u (column) coordinates at which the
interpolated contour intersects the rows in the v range covered by the corresponding
B-spline in order to obtain subpixel accuracy (cf. Fig. 1.18 ). Hence, the contours
are represented as sets
), j =
c (m)
2 ,a
c (n)
1 ,b }
of points for the left and the right image,
1 ,b = ¯
1 ,b
c (n)
u (n)
v (n)
1 ,b ,
= ¯
2 ,a ,
c (m)
2 ,a
u (m)
v (m)
1 ,a ,
where a =
1 ,...,n 2 are the blob indices in the images and m
and n the point indices in the respective contours. The values
1 ,...,n 1 and b =
u (n)
1 ,b
u (m)
2 ,a
are real
v (n)
1 ,b
v (m)
2 ,a
numbers, while the values
denote image rows and thus are integer
In the following, a pair of blobs mutually assigned by the previously described
procedure is regarded. For each epipolar line in the range covered by both blobs, the
numbers of intersections between the contour and the epipolar line are calculated for
both images. These intersection counts are denoted by e 1 (v) for the right and e 2 (v)
for the left image of the stereo pair. Along with these values, the u coordinates of the
epipolar intersections, u (i)
1 ,...,e 1 (v) for the right image and u (j)
1 ,...,e 2 (v) for the left image, are determined. They are known to subpixel accuracy
(v) , i
(v) , j
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