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Fig. 8.33 Perspectiveviewof( a ) the LOLA DEM and ( b ) the GLD100 of the mare dome
Cauchy ω (C2) from southeastern direction. The vertical axis is 50 times exaggerated
Fig. 8.34 High-resolution Lunar Topophotomap LT 61A2S1 (50), showing the dome pair Diana
and Grace. The contour interval corresponds to 20 m, the diameter of the dome Grace is 8 km.
Image credit: NASA/LPI
determined the height of the mare dome Cauchy ω (C2) situated in Mare Tranquil-
litatis, stating a value of 116 m. The LOLA DEM and the GLD100 of Cauchy ω
are shown in Fig. 8.33 . They both yield a height value of 120 m. The dome height
of 125 m obtained by means of photoclinometry and shape from shading analysis
is in good agreement. For comparison, the corresponding height value by Brungart
( 1964 ) of 306 m (entry no. 36) is again too large.
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