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(note that in ( 1.47 ) the matrix elements according to ( 1.11 ) are used). The extrinsic
parameters for each image are then obtained according to
λA 1 h 1
r 1 =
λA 1 h 2
r 2 =
r 3 =
r 1 ×
r 2
λA 1 h 3 .
The matrix R computed according to ( 1.48 ), however, does not necessarily fulfill
the orthonormality constraints imposed on a rotation matrix. For initialisation of
the subsequent nonlinear bundle adjustment procedure, a technique is suggested by
Zhang ( 1998 ) to determine the orthonormal rotation matrix which is closest to a
given 3
3 matrix in terms of the Frobenius norm.
Similar to the DLT method, the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters com-
puted so far have been obtained by minimisation of an algebraic error measure
which is not physically meaningful. Zhang ( 1999a ) uses these parameters as ini-
tial values for a bundle adjustment step which is based on the minimisation of the
error term
m ij A(R i M j +
t )
2 .
In the optimisation, a rotation R is described by the Rodrigues vector r . The di-
rection of this vector indicates the direction of the rotation axis, and its norm
denotes the rotation angle in radians. Zhang ( 1999a ) utilises the Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm (Press et al., 2007 ) to minimise the bundle adjustment error
term ( 1.49 ).
To take into account radial lens distortion, Zhang ( 1999a ) utilises the model
defined by ( 1.3 ). Tangential lens distortion is neglected. Assuming small radial
distortions, such that only the coefficients k 1 and k 3 in ( 1.3 ) are significantly
different from zero, the following procedure is suggested for estimating k 1 and
k 3 : An initial solution for the camera parameters is obtained by setting k 1 =
k 3 =
0, which yields projected control points according to the pinhole model.
The parameters k 1 and k 3 are computed in a second step by minimising the av-
erage Euclidean distance in the image plane between the projected and the ob-
served image points, based on an overdetermined system of linear equations.
The final values for k 1 and k 3 are obtained by iteratively applying this proce-
Due to the observed slow convergence of the iterative technique, Zhang ( 1999a )
proposes an alternative approach to determine lens distortion by incorporating the
distortion parameters appropriately into the error term ( 1.49 ) and estimating them
simultaneously with the other camera parameters.
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