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Fig. 8.29 ( a ) Telescopic CCD image of the dome complex Mons Rümker, situated in northwest-
ern Oceanus Procellarum. The individual edifices R1-R6 are indicated. The image is rectified to
perpendicular view, north is indicated by the white arrow . Image credit: K.C. Pau. ( b ) Perspective
view of the DEM of Mons Rümker obtained based on the image shown in ( a ) (from southeastern
direction). The vertical axis is 10 times exaggerated, the curvature of the lunar surface has been
subtracted. ( c ) Section from SMART-1 AMIE image LR3-R01914-00017-00100. The image reso-
lution corresponds to 218 m per pixel. Image credit: ESA/J.-L. Josset/B. Grieger. ( d ) Perspective
view of the DEM of Mons Rümker obtained based on the image shown in ( c ) (from northeastern
direction). The vertical axis is 10 times exaggerated, the curvature of the lunar surface has been
stabilise the convergence behaviour and facilitate at the same time the reconstruc-
tion of small-scale surface features. The DEM shows that the height of the plateau
amounts to about 900 m in its western and northwestern part, 1100 m in its south-
ern part, and 650 m in its eastern and northeastern part. The overall volume of
erupted lava corresponds to about 1800 km 3 . About 30 individual domes on the
Rümker plateau are described by Smith ( 1974 ), six of which are sufficiently well re-
solved in the telescopic CCD image for morphometric evaluation. The DEM derived
for Mons Rümker is qualitatively consistent with the Apollo 15 orbital photograph
shown in Fig. 8.19 . Using a low-Sun image acquired by the AMIE camera on board
the SMART-1 spacecraft 8
(cf. Fig. 8.29 c), a more detailed DEM of Mons Rümker
8 The SMART-1 AMIE images are accessible at the ESA Planetary Science Archive at http://www. .
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