Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Ta b l e 8 . 1 Flank slope and
height values for several mare
domes, determined using the
shadow-based method of
Ashbrook ( 1961 )
Slope ( )
Height (m)
A2 (Arago α )
M12 (Milichius π )
such that the determined height difference value merely represents a lower limit to
the true dome height.
Ashbrook ( 1961 ) shows that under the assumption of a spherical shape of the
dome surface, the average value of the flank slope corresponds to the solar eleva-
tion angle when the shadow length equals one quarter of the dome diameter. The
observer determines the moment in time, corresponding to a solar elevation angle
μ ,forwhich l
μ . The Ash-
brook method has primarily been devised for visual observations. The assumption
of spherical dome shape, however, represents a significant restriction to its applica-
bility. Here it was used to determine the heights of domes C11, A2, H7, M11, and
M12 (cf. Table 8.1 ).
Photometric three-dimensional surface reconstruction methods are more gener-
ally applicable to the determination of the morphometric properties of lunar domes.
In a first step, the photoclinometric approach (cf. Sect. ) is taken, which con-
sists of computing depth profiles along image rows. For all regarded domes, the
terrain is gently sloping, i.e.
D/ 4 is given, leading to a dome height h
(D/ 2 ) tan
1, the illumination is highly oblique, and
the scene is illuminated nearly exactly from the east or the west, corresponding
to q s =
0. The lunar-Lambert reflectance ( 8.6 ) thus depends much more strongly
on the surface gradient p in the east-west direction than on the gradient q in the
north-south direction, such that we may initially set q
0. Note that this approxi-
mation is exact for cross sections in the east-west direction through the summit of
a feature, while it is otherwise a reasonable approximation. A constant albedo ρ is
assumed, which is justified for all examined domes, as they are virtually indistin-
guishable from their surroundings in Clementine 750 nm images. The value of ρ is
chosen such that the average surface slope over the region of interest is zero. Under
these assumptions, ( 3.16 ) is solved for the surface gradient p uv for each pixel with
intensity I uv .
The result of photoclinometry is used as an initialisation to the shape from shad-
ing scheme according to Horn ( 1989 ) described in Sect. . The ground-based
CCD images are affected by a slight blur due to atmospheric seeing. Hence, the ob-
served image I uv is assumed to be a convolution of the true image with a Gaussian
point spread function (PSF) G σ (cf. Chap. 4 ). The PSF radius σ is determined from
the intensity profile of shadows cast by steep mountains, e.g. crater rims, where
an abrupt transition from illuminated surface to darkness is expected. Convolving a
synthetically generated abrupt change in intensity with a Gaussian PSF and compar-
ing the result with the intensity profile observed in the image allows for an estima-
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