Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 5.2 Images from the beginning ,the middle ,andthe end of ( a ) the cuboid sequence, ( b )the
bottle sequence, and ( c ) the lava stone sequence
motion initialised with the calculated depth from defocus values. One must keep in
mind, however, that the absolute scaling factor is then part of the gauge freedom of
the bundle adjustment, resulting in a corresponding 'flatness' of the error function.
Small α values therefore lead to an unstable convergence. The value of E reconstr lev-
els off to 16 mm for α
0 . 42.
The root-mean-square deviation of the reconstructed size of the squares from the
true value of 15 mm then amounts to 0 . 2mmor1 . 3 %. The most accurate scene
reconstruction results are obtained with α between 0 . 3 and 0 . 5. The reconstructed
three-dimensional scene points W x k for α
0 . 3 and obtains its minimum value of 7 mm for α =
0 . 42 are illustrated in Fig. 5.1 , the de-
pendence of E reconstr on α in Fig. 5.3 (upper diagram).
In addition to the reconstruction error E reconstr , a further important error measure
is the reprojection error
I i T 1 Q C W T, { c j } i , W x k
I i T 1 S i x k
S i
2 ,
S i
E reprojection =
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