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Fig. 3.6 Measured and modelled polarisation properties of a raw forged iron surface at a phase
angle of α = 79 . To p : Polarisation angle. Bottom : Polarisation degree
c D γ 1
d D γ 2
e D γ 1 γ 2
f D γ 2
g D γ 1 γ 2
R D 1 2 )
a D +
b D γ 1 +
+ h D γ 1 γ 2 ,
which is symmetric in γ 2 . The symmetry properties are required for geometrical rea-
sons as long as an isotropic interaction between incident light and surface material
can be assumed. The polarisation properties of a raw forged iron surface measured
at a phase angle of α
79 are illustrated in Fig. 3.6 , along with the polynomial fits
according to ( 3.60 ) and ( 3.61 ). Interestingly, while in the framework based on Fres-
nel theory outlined in Sect. 3.4.1 the polarisation angle corresponds to the projection
of the surface normal into the image plane (up to a 90 phase shift for specular po-
larisation), a close inspection of the polarisation angle measurements by d'Angelo
and Wöhler ( 2005a ) reveals that this simple relation does not hold for rough metallic
At this point it is straightforward to determine the surface gradients p and q
associated with the goniometer angles γ 1 and γ 2 based on the mechanical setup
of the goniometer. Based on the fitted phenomenological laws for the polarisation
angle Φ and degree D p , the functions R Φ (p, q) and R D (p, q) yielding the polari-
sation properties in terms of the surface gradients p and q are obtained. In analogy
to the intensity reflectance map R I (p, q) , R Φ (p, q) is termed a polarisation angle
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