Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
[ ** ] +-----------+---------------------------------------+
[ ** ] And 10 other (uncommon) modules. You can enable those
[ ** ]
[ ?? ] Load global module <partyline>? (yes/no) [no]: yes
[ ?? ] Load global module <webadmin>? (yes/no) [no]: yes
[ ** ]
[ ** ] Now we need to set up a user...
[ ** ]
[ ?? ] Username (AlphaNumeric): zncbeagle
[ ?? ] Enter Password:
[ ?? ] Confirm Password:
[ ?? ] Would you like this user to be an admin? (yes/no)
[ ?? ] Nick [zncbeagle]:
[ ?? ] Alt Nick [zncbeagle_]:
[ ?? ] Ident [zncbeagle]:
[ ?? ] Real Name [Got ZNC?]: ZNC Admin
[ ?? ] Bind Host (optional):
[ ?? ] Number of lines to buffer per channel [50]:
[ ?? ] Would you like to clear channel buffers after replay?
(yes/no) [yes]:
[ ?? ] Default channel modes [+stn]:
[ ** ]
[ ** ] -- User Modules --
[ ** ]
[ ** ]
[ ** ] | Name |
Description |
[ ** ]
[ ** ] | chansaver | Keep config up-to-date when
user |
| | joins/
parts |
[ ** ] | controlpanel | Dynamic configuration through IRC.
Allows editing only yourself if you're not ZNC admin. |
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