Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting to Know the Workspace
The Workspace ( Figure 4 ) has five main areas of interest — the Menu Bar , the Tool Bar ,
the Options Bar, the Panels, and the Display Area . The Menu Bar and Tool Bar are always
the same, but the contents of the Options Bar is determined by which tool is active. It is a
submenu that gives greater control over the selected tool.
The Display Area is the large gray area. This is where your images and design projects will
be displayed.
The Panels will be determined by your specific needs. There are a number of PRESET
Panel selections available through the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the Work-
space. The default is called ESSENTIALS and is a good place to start. The other selections
are set up for specific needs. For example, if you plan to do a lot of work with text, there is
a TYPOGRAPHY Preset to help with that task. The panels associated with the Workspace
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