Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Very soon, we will be discussing and using three very powerful concepts that make Pho-
toshop the versatile and amazing program that it is — Layers, Selections, and Layer Masks.
Although, I would love to just jump into these topics, I know from experience that it is the
basics that trip me up most of the time. I will be working on a project, when suddenly noth-
ing seems to work and I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what I did wrong. Usually,
it is some minor detail that I didn't notice.
In the next few chapters, I will be walking you through these basic skills and identifying
pitfalls at the same time. Hopefully, this will save you from making the same mistakes that
I have made.
Unfortunately, these necessary lessons can be tedious at times. For this reason, I have de-
cided to start this topic with two examples that should give you an idea of what lies ahead
and the motivation to work through the basics.
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