Graphics Programs Reference
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any change in image quality. In most cases, it won't matter to you that the text is vector
based, but there are times when it will have to be converted to a raster image. This topic
is beyond the scope of this topic but Photoshop will inform you when a change is required
and prompt you for permission to make the change.
Along the left side of Figure 39 , I have shown some effects that can be added to text. In
order to add these effects, you will need to open the Layer Styles Panel ( Window > Styles )
and click on an effect while the text layer is active. Once the Styles Panel is open, you can
use it to mix as many effects as you like. This is another panel where “playing” will teach
you a lot. The Panel is displayed at the bottom of Figure 39 . We will discuss this in greater
detail in the Layers Chapter.
With Layer Styles , the controls in the
middle panel of the Layer Styles Window
will change in accordance with the effect
highlighted in blue in the left panel.
In this case, Drop Shadow is highlighted
and the center panel in the window gives
us control over how the shadow is ap-
When we click OK, the effect will be ap-
Please note the 7 items identified on the Options Panel for the Type Tools . We will be
using all of them. In the upper right corner of Figure 39 , we have the Font Panel which is
activated by the last icon on the right on the Options Panel . This icon will toggle the panel
on and off. Also, note that we are working with the Character tab of this panel. This will
give us the ability to change character spacing.
Refresher Video for Text Tools
Photoshop includes the ability to draw geometric shapes. We will be discussing two of
these options: The Ellipse Tool ( Figure 40 ) and the Line Tool ( Figure 41 ).
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