Biomedical Engineering Reference
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The inequality constraints in Eq. ( 2 ) refer to the subset j of irreversible reactions
with nonnegative flux values. Equation ( 2 ) expresses an undetermined system of
algebraic equations because q [[ m, and thus it has no unique solution. The
universe of solutions of Eq. ( 2 ) forms a polyhedral cone in the fluxome solution
space whose edges correspond to independent elementary modes (elementary
modes are discussed in more detailed in the next section).
Equation ( 2 ) applies only to balanced intracellular metabolites. For extracel-
lular metabolites the net accumulation is nonzero and the following equation
b ¼ A 0 v
v j 0
ð 3 Þ
with b the vector of fluxes of extracellular metabolites across the cellular mem-
brane and A 0
the stoichiometric matrix of such extracellular metabolites.
2.3 Elementary Modes
Elementary mode analysis has become a widespread technique for systems-level
metabolic pathway analysis [ 28 , 29 ]. An elementary mode can be defined as a
minimal set of enzymes able to operate at steady state, with the enzymes weighted
by the relative flux they need to carry for the mode to function [ 10 ]. The universe
of elementary modes of a given metabolic network defines the full set of nonde-
composable steady-state flux distributions that the network can support. Any
particular steady-state flux distribution can be expressed as a nonnegative linear
combination of elementary modes.
As such, the phenotype of a cell, as defined by its fluxome, v, can be expressed
as a weighted sum of the contribution of each elementary mode
v ¼ k 1 e 1 þ k 2 e 2 þ ... þ k k e k ¼ X
k i e i ;
ð 4 Þ
i ¼ 1
where e i is an elementary mode vector with dim(e i ) = q, k i is the weighting factor
of e i , K is the number of elementary modes, and dim(v) = dim(e i ) = q is the
number of metabolic reactions of the metabolic network. Geometrically the ele-
mentary modes correspond to the edges of the polyhedral cone in the fluxome
solution space (Fig. 1 ).
The elementary mode matrix, EM, is obtained by concatenating all the e i
vectors into a q 9 K matrix
EM ¼ e 1
e 2
e K
ð 5 Þ
Multiplying the EM matrix by the stoichiometric matrix of the extracellular
metabolites, A 0 , one obtains the elementary mode stoichiometric matrix
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