Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.92
You can also use the
Move tool to position
the existing selection
onto the overlapping
area between the
Garda2 and Garda3
layers, and so on.
Make sure the Move
selection option is
checked. If it's not,
using the tool would
actually cut out a part
of the Garda2 layer
• The Garda1 layer remains unchanged. Make Garda2 the active layer and
delete the left part of the overlapping area with Edit > Clear .
• Repeat the previous steps for the Garda3 and Garda4 layers.
• After you delete the overlap of layers 2 through 4, choose Select > None to
remove the selection. Next, remove the guides by choosing View > Show
Guides ( Show Guides is a toggle option). Your gardapanorama.xcf image
should now look more or less like the example shown in Figure 3.93.
• You still have to position layers Garda2 through Garda4 . First, you must
enlarge the image window as much as possible (full screen). Then zoom
into the image with the View > Zoom > 1:1 (100%) menu item.
• Next, look at the overlap in layer 1 and 2. Make the overlapping layer the
active layer. Start with Garda2 . Position it with the Move tool so that you
don't have anything double in the image. The partial transparency of the
layer is a great help.
• If required, use the Eraser tool with a soft brush pointer and reduced
opacity for better transitions in the sky sections.
• After the transitions have been smoothened out, you must cut your
image to size.
• Save your image.
The Move tool settings must be
switched back (Tool Options: Tool
Toggle: Move the active layer).
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