Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.63
The finished image, wineglass.xcf
Copy the wine glass ( Edit > Copy ) and make sure the layer from which
you want to copy is selected in the Layers dialog. Then paste the extracted
image ( Edit > Paste ) as a new layer back into the image. Place the new inserted
layer ( Floating Selection ) in the Layers dialog as a new layer (right-click on the
Floating Selection layer and choose New Layer ). Label the new layer wine glass .
You can check the quality of your work by making the background layer
invisible via a click onto the eye symbol.
Create a new layer, background . Now delete the selection ( Select > None ).
Fill the background layer with a color. Make the the wine glass semi-opaque
by using a large and soft eraser ( Eraser tool ) with an opacity of 10% to depict
the transparency of the glass.
The image is finished thus far. With a little practice, the polygon lasso is
rather easy to use. However, the result for figures having rounded contours is
not entirely exact, because the contour had to be split up into a polygon. Now
let us have a look at a tool that lets you work precisely with curved contours.
This is the Paths tool .
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