Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
If you choose the Aligned option, you can first select a point in the image
from which the information will be taken. You can then click on the area
where you want the image information to be applied. The next time you want
to apply image information somewhere else, the point for gathering image
information is linked to the brush pointer at the same distance and angle as
before. Thus, the Clone Tool and its gathering point is wandering around the
image while you work on it. If you want to change the origin of your clone,
you simply select a new source by holding the Ctrl key and clicking the mouse.
The Registered option requires at least two layers or two images, taking
information from one layer or image and inserting it in the other. In both
images, the tool's starting point is the upper-left image corner. In Registered
alignment mode, there is no offset between the point supplying information
and the point where color is inserted.
The Fixed mode lets you determine a point as the source of information.
This point is fixed and you can cover entire surfaces with this image
Select the following Clone Tool Options:
Spacing : 100%
Mode : Normal
Brush Dynamics : Nothing
Fade out : Nothing
Apply Jitter : Nothing
Hard Edge : Nothing
Source : Image
Alignment : Aligned
Leave the Brushes window open.
2.7.4 Using the Clone Tool for Touchup Work
Open the dustandscratches.png image in the SampleImages folder from the
DVD and save it in your exercise folder.
You'll see the image window (with the sample image) and the Brushes
window ( Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Brushes ). Select the Clone Tool from
the Toolbox. You'll need a brush with a diameter of about 85 px to remove
spots and one with a diameter of approximately 45 px to remove the dog-ear
and the scratches.
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