Agriculture Reference
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3.7 Conclusion and Future Trends
Nanotechnology is an emerging field of science being exploited to derive solutions
to highly complicated unresolved issues in engineering and biological sciences. In
agriculture, nanotechnology is least investigated, but the reported literature strongly
suggests that nanoscience is expected to play a critical role in developing smart
delivery systems. This will enable the plants to produce larger biomass utilizing the
available nutrients in the rhizosphere without associated ill-effects in the environ-
ment. Regulated and sustained release of nutrients assists in improving the nutrient
use efficiencies. Though nutrient release is regulated through physical and chemical
processes, the biological significance of nutrient release is yet to be clearly under-
stood. More research is needed to address the smart delivery of nutrients, nutrient
interactions at the physiological and molecular levels, antagonistic and synergistic
interactions among nutrients, and biosafety of nano-fertilizers besides long-term
impact of nano-fertilizers on physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils is
yet to be determined.
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rapidly decreased by borate ester cross-linking of the pectic polysaccharide rhamnoga-
lacturonan II. Plant Physiol 121:829-838
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