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significant toxic effect on cell growth and viability from the lowest concentration
tested (1
gmL 1 ), related to the effect of endocytosed particles in such an amount
that led to a rupture of their membranes—the effect was more pronounced for BT
MP. However, size did not seem to be an issue in BT particle toxicity, since micro-
and nanoparticles produced significant effects on algae growth—although the
growth inhibition was more pronounced with the nanomaterial.
13.6 Conclusions
The toxicity of nanomaterials is still a new topic, with more studies needed. Its
complexity relies on the fact that several factors influence the toxicity profile,
mainly the size and shape of the particles, but also the hydrodynamic behavior,
crystalline phase, and surface charge, among others. Some studies show greater
toxic profile of nanomaterials compared to the bulk form, while others do not find
this association. A case-by-case approach is necessary in the current phase, as the
studies shown here permitted to affirm that no obvious trend in the effects of these
materials on aquatic organisms could be inferred.
13.7 Future Trends
The present decade, and also the next ones, will be remarkable for studies on the
impact of nanoparticle into the environment. To obtain a full understanding of all
possible effects on the different living organisms, powerful and robust laboratory
assays are needed, although there is lack of guidelines to perform that. The safe
future tends to claim for high-throughput bioassays and computational (QSAR)
models in lieu of the conventional toxicity tests, in order to handle the vast diversity
and complexity of these materials.
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Adams WJ, Rowland CD (2003) In: Hoffman DJ et al (eds) Handbook of ecotoxicology, 2nd edn.
Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton
Amiano I, Olabarrieta J, Vitorica J, Zorita S (2012) Acute toxicity of nanosized TiO 2 to Daphnia
magna under UVA irradiation. Environ Toxicol Chem 31:2564-2566
APHA - American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water
Environment Federation (1998) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewa-
ter, 20th edn. American Public Health Association, Washington
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